EMS Mission Statement
One of the most influential persons in the EMS system was Dr. Edward Straub. He was our Medical Director and put his faith and trust into us. He was the one who pushed us forward as an emergency medical service, gave us protocols for advanced care and the ability to us our judgement yet always being available day and when asked “what to do” on that scratchy radio at 3 a.m. in the back of that unit he would calmly call you by your first name and say "what would you like to do?" He would listen and if needed offer an idea and tell you to proceed and to give him a call to let him know how it turned out. He always had your back. He put his faith in us to do the right thing. Under his direction we were in the top 5 of the entire United States finest and most advanced medical services. He was also our friend.
Fire & EMS
Some images provided by the Woody Harris Collection